Register for the Commonwealth Businesswomen’s Network Africa 2022 Summit below:
9 -10 March 2022
9:00am – 04:00pm EAT
06:00am – 01:00pm BST
Payment Details
The 2022 CBWN Africa Summit 2022 shall be a hybrid event. This means that attendance of the summit is both at a physical location as well as online.
Physical Attendance
Location: Nairobi Serena Hotel
Charge: Ksh 5,000
Capacity: only 50 seats available*
*1st come 1st serve basis

Pay with Mpesa
Step 1: Go to M-pesa Menu >Lipa na M-PESA > Pay Bill
Step 2: For Business no. enter 7304761
Step 3: For account no. type Your Name
Step 4: For Amount enter Ksh 5, 000
Step 5: Enter your M-pesa PIN
Step 6: Review payment details and select OK to confirm your M-payment
Step 7: Register your details in the Registration Form below (including your Mpesa Payment Verification Code)
Online Attendance
Free! Free! Free!
*We shall share access to the summit links with the registered attendees. Register Below…